CoChair South Maggies Blog

Just a few weeks ago I went to an organ recital at Winchelsea chapel in Sussex. It was a wonderful and varied programme but for me the highlight was a special medley by Stephen Page of Sunday school choruses. As familiar tunes  emerged I was transported back to those Sunday afternoons sitting on a bench listening to stories, enjoying squash and biscuits , collecting stickers and marching to “ Hear the pennies dropping”. This bit of nostalgia got me thinking about the start of my Christian journey and the enduring memories of belonging from those early days. I was always an inquisitive child and I am sure my constant  questions must have been irritating but I was never made to feel I was being a pain. Things I learned all those years ago clearly stayed with me and it was a joy to recall them. I remain grateful to those lovely patient ladies who gave up their Sunday afternoons to nurture us in Sunday school on the start of our Christian journeys

As I prepare for my upcoming journey to Porto for the European conference I find myself  really looking forward to meeting others and hearing their stories  in what I am sure will be an atmosphere of belonging. Such opportunities are special and I know I will learn a great deal and make new friends. I knew little about the World Federation when I first became involved  with MWiB and still have lots of questions  about the challenges and opportunities it presents but I really value the sense of perspective it offers. We are part of an organisation full of opportunities to make a real difference. Just as I learned so much from stories as a child so I am sure  that  the sharing  of stories at Porto will be a inspiration and a stepping stone to a really exciting future.