Prayer for the Week – 28th September 2024

Prayer for the Week – 28th September 2024

Timothy, you belong to God, so keep away from all these evil things. Try your best to please God and to be like him. Be faithful, loving, dependable and gentle. Fight a good fight for the faith and claim eternal life. God offered it to you when you clearly told about your faith, while so many people listened. 

1 Timothy 6: 11& 12 (CEV)


Today in Harrogate, Leonora Wassell will be commissioned as our new co-chair. Within the service that Lee has planned the members of the MWiB executive will also commit themselves to the work of our charity, and indeed we are all called upon to play our part in the work of Methodist Women in Britain – for women, for justice, for Christ.

The words above are part of the reading for today in Praise and Protest, the Methodist Prayer Handbook, a prayer resource that can be used alongside our MWiB Prayer Diary.

Read them again, but replace the name Timothy with your own name.

Quite a challenge isn’t it?

This biblical letter is often used as advice to leaders but I think  it applies equally to all of us within MWiB whether we have a job role or not. Wherever we are we can represent Methodist Women in Britain; taking the opportunity to share our values and our work with others not only spreads the word but opens up conversations of faith and justice.

So today, as we pray for Leonora as she formally takes on her new role as co-chair we also pray for ourselves as we play our part in sharing the Good News wherever we are.

We pray

Loving God, as Methodist Women in Britain continues its journey for women, for justice, for Christ, we pray for all who lead and hold roles and responsibilities within our charity. Today especially we ask your blessing on Leonora and Maggie as they lead us forward into a new chapter – give them strength and courage for the task you have called them to. Equip them for the adventures that lie ahead and the challenges that will cross their path. And may we who walk with them be strengthened to play our part in the journey.



Bronwen Braisdell – MWiB Communications Officer