Co-Chair North, Ruth’s Blog: 4th August 2024

Co-Chair North, Ruth’s Blog: 4th August 2024


The last few weeks have been relatively quiet after the excitement of Porto and the Mary Bosanquet Lecture, at Conference, but there has been planning for next year, writing the Easter Offering Service for 2025 and I am now trying to tie up loose ends before my term of office comes to an end. This will be my last blog.

The last four years have flown by. There have been ups and downs, as there are in all aspects of life, but in my case, mainly ups! It has been wonderful to have worked with, and been supported by the Exec team, different Task Groups and the Trustees, and I know that I am leaving MWiB in capable hands. It has been an honour and a privilege to have been part of the MWiB, team, especially through all our recent restructuring as well as representing you all at Connexional events.

This last week has been dominated by the Olympic Games. Last night I watched the Relay Races as they passed on the baton and worked as a team until they reached the finishing line. This morning Michael and I led our church service on an Olympic theme. One of our friends, had been a volunteer at the London Olympics in 2012 and brought the baton he had been given as a thank you, to show us. Now it is my turn to pass on the baton. I have really enjoyed meeting and working with you all. Thank you for you support and your friendship. I know that God will continue to bless the work you do in his name as you ‘know Christ, and make him known’. I will look forward to reading about your work in the future and I hope to see you all at Swanwick in 2025. So now I pass the baton to Maggie and Leonora, as they lead you into the future as you and they work ‘for women, for justice, for Christ’.


