Co-Chair South, Maggie’s Blog


A few weeks ago I was invited to join a COMEFLY event at Rainham Methodist Church in Essex. A first for me.

COMEFLY refers to

C   congregation/children

O   outreach

M  mission and ministries

E   evangelism

F   families

L   lunch

Y  youth

I was asked to speak about MWiB and the role of the co chair. There were  questions afterwards  and plenty of interest in what MWiB does.

Following that I joined one of the many workshops choosing craft. It was great fun…just like messy church for adults. The session had been put together with skill and care and although I was relaxed and enjoying myself I also learned a lot and got to know my fellow crafters.

Having spent a large part of my working life in healthcare and education I have always been fascinated about how we learn things .What learning styles suit our personality or lifestyle. As an adult I have come to appreciate much more the value of learning through discussion and visual presentations as opposed to concentrated study .I have also learned that I am more of an owl than a lark. My concentration definitely improves during the day and peaks about 8pm.Luckily most of my meetings are in the evening.

Within MWiB we seek to know Christ and make him known. It is always appreciated when we get feedback on MWiB events and presentations whether it is following  a conference, a district day , a webinar or reading a blog. Let us know what works for you and what you would like to see us develop.

Maggie Woods – CoChair South